Route of the Sierras de Cazorla, Segura & the Villas
Price per person from 14,409 MXN

Route of the Sierras de Cazorla, Segura & the Villas

14,409 MXN
Price per person
14,409 MXN
price per person


Imagine a journey that takes you to the heart of the Sierras de Cazorla, Segura and Las Villas, where every day is an immersion in the majesty of nature, history and the most authentic Andalusian traditions. From the get-go, you'll be surrounded by stunning mountain scenery, staying in a rural retreat that becomes your gateway to a world of wonder.

Cazorla welcomes you with its hills, castles and legends. Walking through its streets is like going through the pages of a history book, where Moorish fortresses and Renaissance ruins mingle with the murmur of the river that winds beneath the city. The murmur of the water, the wooden bridges and the waterfalls hidden in the paths of the Cerezuelo River envelop you in a magical atmosphere. Life here seems to flow at a different pace, one where nature and culture intertwine to offer a deeply enriching experience.

When you arrive in Iznatoraf, you feel that time has stopped. This town, with its narrow streets and centuries-old walls, transports you to a time of kings and poets. From its viewpoints, the views are spectacular, showing the mountains as a mosaic of infinite landscapes. It is a place where every corner tells a story, where every stone seems to have witnessed centuries of history. The experience is like walking through an Andalusian dream, full of aromas of flowers and ancient earth.

Afterwards, Chiclana de Segura unfolds before you like a hidden treasure, nestled in the rock and surrounded by a horizon that spans four provinces. Here, the white streets and houses reflect the sunlight, creating an almost unreal contrast with the blue of the sky. Going up to the castle via a panoramic elevator is an adventure in itself, giving you a unique perspective on the urban fabric and the vast landscape beyond. Legends of the past resonate around every corner, especially when you discover the life and work of Jorge Manrique, the warrior poet whose words still resonate in these lands.

Finally, Orcera invites you to discover its most hidden secrets. This picturesque corner is gradually revealed, from its Muslim towers to its old church. Here, water takes center stage, not only in its historic river pool and washhouses, but in the way the village itself seems to flourish around it. It is a place where history feels alive, where the connection to the past is felt in every stone and in every story narrated by the locals.

Each village on this route is like a jewel, shiny and unique, which is part of a necklace that decorates the soul of Andalusia. It is a journey that does not follow a fixed itinerary, but invites you to get lost, to discover and to feel life in its most genuine form.


Meeting point

Alojamiento rural en Viana
Day 1: Cazorla
Day 2: Cazorla, Iznatoraf
Day 3: Iznatoraf, Chiclana de Segura
Day 4: Chiclana de Segura, Orcera
Day 5: Orcera

❖ 4 noches de alojamiento con desayuno, en alojamientos rurales, locales o con encanto

❖ 4 almuerzos en restaurantes típicos con vino

❖ 4 cenas en restaurantes típicos con vino

*Los menús se pueden adaptar al cliente

❖ Visitas de medio día, con guía local y en todos los Pueblos Mágicos

❖ Ruta de Senderismo del Río Cerezuelo en Cazorla

❖ Ruta de Senderismo por los Miradores de Iznatoraf

❖ Alojamientos disponibles o similares:

➢ Cazorla – Albergue Inturjoven Cazorla o Hotel Posada del Cordobés

➢ Iznatoraf – Casa Enmedio o Casa Pozo de la Nieve

➢ Chiclana de Segura – Mar de Olivos o La Casa de Segura

➢ Orcera – Hostal Rural La Montería o Albergue Rural David Broncano

❖ Restaurantes disponibles o similares:

➢ Cazorla – Mesón Don Chema o Restaurante Posada del Cordobés

➢ Iznatoraf – Terraza Crater o Café Bar La Parada

➢ Chiclana de Segura – Bar Casa Paco o Bar La Taberna

➢ Orcera – Restaurante Pinar de Amurjo o Restaurante El Jardín

❖ La ruta está disponible a partir de 1 pax

El precio base incluye todos los servicios en su propio transporte. Elige otras opciones en Servicios Adicionales


Estimado Cliente,

➢ Le invitamos a disfrutar de su viaje con total comodidad. Puede optar por viajar en su propio vehículo o elegir la opción de transporte.

❖ Viaje en privado: Ideal para personas que desean disfrutar de un viaje en privado, a partir de 1 pax. Vehículo con chofer y guía.

❖ Venta plaza a plaza (salida garantizada a partir de 10 personas confirmadas). Reembolsable en caso de no alcanzar el mínimo de pax requeridos.

Por favor, seleccione la opción que mejor se adapte a sus necesidades. Puedes añadirlo durante el proceso de reserva en Servicios Adicionales y no dude en contactarnos si tiene alguna pregunta o requiere más información. ¡Esperamos hacer de su viaje una experiencia inolvidable!

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